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The transition to Fullstack Digest

Hi 👋,

We've been running Vue Weekly for a while now and you may have noticed that we've been a bit behind we've decided to revamp the structure. We love Vue.js. But, the frontend is one part of the story and there are lots of cool and interesting projects that we see and use that we'd like to share.

For that reason, we're sunsetting Vue Weekly and turning our focus to Fullstack Digest. Same structure but with curated content focusing on all aspects of development (frontend, backend, DevOps, machine learning, tips and tricks).

Vue.js will always have a special place in our hearts and we promise to continue to showcase the ecosystem. This change gives us more flexibility to include other technologies and posts that will power-up your developer experience.

If you'd like to subscribe, you can fill out the form below 👇.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Thanks for sticking with us!

Stephen & Matt

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